Chad WerkhovenAug 2Habakkuk 2:4-5 - Answered ComplaintsGod hears, listens and responds with salvation to the complaints we bring.
Chad WerkhovenAug 1James 2:10-13 - From One Law To AnotherGrace has set you free from one Law, but obligated you to another.
Chad WerkhovenJul 31Luke 17:7-10 - Unworthy ServantsJesus' words seem harsh and politically incorrect, but He's talking about you.
Chad WerkhovenJul 301 Corinthians 1:26-31 - Good DebtReorient your thinking about the good things you do.
Chad WerkhovenJul 29Matthew 7:15-20 - Red Delicious DeedsWhat kind of tree would Jesus identify you as?
Chad WerkhovenJul 26Titus 2:11-14 - Negative GraceYou've heard about 'Amazing Grace,' but how about 'Negative Grace?'
Chad WerkhovenJul 25Galatians 5:1-6 - Straight Down the MiddleAvoid two dangerous extremes in regards to God's law.
Chad WerkhovenJul 24Galatians 5:22-26 - Fruit ProductionCultivate a Spirit-filled life to bear love, joy, peace, and more.
Chad WerkhovenJul 231 John 3:7-10 - The Reason Christ AppearedYou might be surprised to hear the real reason Christ appeared.
Chad WerkhovenJul 222 Corinthians 5:15-18 - The 'Other' Part of ChristianityJesus died to pay for your sins, but that's just the beginning!