Chad WerkhovenSep 13Psalm 122 - Let Us Go To The House of the LORDIf you're not eagerly anticipating gathered worship, something's wrong.
Chad WerkhovenSep 12Ephesians 4:11-16 - The Gift That Keeps On GivingYou have no right to separate yourself from the gift Jesus gave you: His Church.
Chad WerkhovenSep 11Exodus 34:1-16 - Separation Anxiety By God's grace, you're different than the world. So separate yourself from it.
Chad WerkhovenSep 102 Corinthians 6:14-18 - Stay AwaySeparating from the world isn't popular, but God has always commanded it for good reason.
Chad WerkhovenSep 9Romans 12:3-8 - Just Do ItYou can discover your Spiritual gifts today and immediately use them tomorrow.
Chad WerkhovenSep 6Matthew 11:25-30 - True & Lasting RestFind true & lasting rest by serving and submitting to your church.
Chad WerkhovenSep 5Numbers 16:1-33 - God Is Serious About His ChurchSeparating yourself from the Church is a dangerous thing!
Chad WerkhovenSep 42 Chronicles 30:1-9 - Call To WorshipThere are no good examples in the Bible of 'Lone Ranger' believers.
Chad WerkhovenSep 3Hebrews 10:19-25 - Biblical LettuceSynagogue is the primary role of the Church. Wait... what?
Chad WerkhovenSep 2Matthew 16:13-20 - No Salvation Apart From The ChurchCatholics & Protestants agree there's no salvation apart from the Church, but for very different reasons!