Chad Werkhoven4 days ago1 Timothy 3:1-13 - Above ReproachWhat are the boys & young men in your life aspiring to?
Chad Werkhoven5 days agoActs 6:1-7 - Skilled ServantsDeacons must be "men known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom."
Chad Werkhoven6 days agoHebrews 13:17 - Leaders You Can TrustIt's good to be cynical regarding political leaders, but not towards faithful leaders in the Church.
Chad WerkhovenOct 8Acts 20:25-31 - Keep Watch, Stay On GuardIt's easier to stay alert when you see & recognize the threat.
Chad WerkhovenOct 7Titus 1:5-9 - Unfinished BusinessGod's stewards act & speak with His full authority. We call them elders.